Junior pharmacist exam Advt.No, GPSSB/202122/11 was successfully held by GPSSB on 08/05/2022 across the gujarat.
The question paper contains 150 questions as per syllabus given by GPSSB junior pharmacist syllabus.
Time given to complete a question paper was 90 minutes.
The question paper contains different level of competition as compared to previous examination of junior pharmacist.
Here we provide you a question paper for gpssb junior pharmacist 2022.
The provisional answer key is supposed to be launch by board within two to three days.
After which the final answer will be provided.
Meril list for document verification will be uploaded in official website of gpssb.
After completed examination applied contenders will Download GPSSB Junior Pharmacist Answer Key 2022. By using this key, you will predict your future result. Very shortly we will update this article with the latest info. Such as a cut off marks, merit list, interview dates etc.
GPSSB Junior Pharmacist Paper Solution
This evaluation key is very useful for every examination because of based on it, you can check the right answer and match their answers and get an idea of estimated marks will get in result. The authority of the recruitment board has been successfully conducted this examination from several centers of the Gujarat state.
GPSSB Answer Key 2022
We hope to all applied candidates has arrived this examination at proper time duration. After finished written test all the inquisitive participants require evaluation key of respective examination. They for we are providing GPSSB Junior Pharmacist Answer Key 2022 PDF file at the bottom of the page. And then qualifying this examination you have to clear Written Exam / interview phase for ultimate selection. While interview date discloses by the higher authority of the department we will provide it here.
How To Download GPSSB Junior Pharmacist Answer Key 2022?
Participants need to visit GPSSB website or the official portal of the department.
In the homepage, you need to search for a key in the penal on the menu bar.
After finding you require tab press on it.
Then, find out “GPSSB Junior Pharmacist Answer Key 2022” link and click on it.
If the system gives any validation number, then you have to enter registration number and password.
After complete this process you can see all the sets of a key on the web page like a set A, set B, set C, set D., Set E