Check Agriculture Old Records Online: Every farmer friends need 7/12 and 8-A for any scheme or assistance related to agriculture, for this they have to go to village level gram panchayat office and there is server problem or other. If the land records are not available due to some reason, one has to go from village to taluka level or urban level to get his land records, due to which he wastes both money and time, and old records of his land as well as for 7/12 and 8-A. One has to push far. An important facility has been made available by Gujarat Government for the interest of farmers, now farmers of the state can download agricultural land records i.e. land record sample 7/12 and 8-A, 6 number etc. online at home at any time through their mobile, this digital sign A copy can be obtained online from AnyRor Anywere and i-ORA portal
7/12 અને 8-અ કેવી રીતે ડાઉનલોડ કરવા, ગુજરાતી માહિતી વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો
Check Agriculture Old Records Online
Information Download 7/12 and 8-A Pattern Online

Service Objective Farmers of Gujarat can extract 6 numbers of land, 7/12 and 8-A online at home
Beneficiary Farmers of Gujarat
website anyror.
How to download 7/12 and 8-A pattern online through mobile?
- Let every farmer friends know that any old record of your land, who is named in heirs, also 7/12 and 8-A pattern can be checked online and can be downloaded and printed in PDF form and used, this pattern can be used through your mobile. Digitally signed which is valid everywhere, follow the steps below to download land records through your mobile. First go to the official portal of revenue department AnyRor – –
- After opening any of the two portals of the revenue department as mentioned above, click on the “Digital Sign Village Sample Number” option shown on its main page, a new page will open in front of you in which you have to enter your mobile number in the tax box below by reading the captcha code displayed on the website
- page
- . Enter and click Generate OTP
- Your mobile number an OTP number will be sent submit it and click on login
- now a form will open in front of you
- here you have to select your district, taluk, village to get village sample number. Select the survey number/block number/account number/registration number and click on “Add village form” Select the
- required village sample number details and click on “Add village form”
- to get your land records Online payment has to be done for which click on “proceed for payment”
- then click on “pay amount” and pay the required amount online (five rupees per entry)
- Note: The fee for village sample has to be paid online only before making online payment the main page of the portal Carefully read the instructions regarding online payment mentioned above
- After making the payment, you will get an option on the screen to download the village sample number in which click on “Download RoR” and download the digital village sample.
- Note that if the digital village sample number is not ready even after paying the amount online, then “Generate RoR”. Click on
- “Generate RoR” After clicking on “Download RoR” your land records can be downloaded online through your mobile
- This record will be digitally signed which is valid everywhere
7/12, 8-અ ડાઉનલોડ લિંક
ગુજરાતીમાં માહિતી વાંચવા | અહીં લીક કરો |
AnyRoR gujarat portal | અહીં લીક કરો |
i-ORA gujarat portal | અહીં લીક કરો |
સરકાર દ્વારા કરેલા ઠરાવ વાંચવા | અહીં ક્લિક કરો |
home page | અહીં લીક કરો |
💥 નિયમિત અપડેટ મેળવવા માટે અમારા whatsapp ગ્રુપમાં જોડાવા | અહીં લીક કરો |

7/12, 8-a download fee How much to pay?
Rs 5 per instance
Land records obtained online will be accepted?
Yes, land records obtained online will be digitally signed which will be recognized everywhere
7/12, 8-A What is the official website for downloading?
Anyror and iora