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શિયાળામાં ગોળ ખાવાના છે અને ફાયદાઓ બારે મહિના તમારાથી દૂર રહેશે આ રોગો

 Jaggery is to be eaten in winter and the benefits will keep you away from these diseases for twelve months

Consuming jaggery is very beneficial for the body Consuming jaggery makes the skin plump and makes you look young even at the age of 50 Consuming jaggery removes wrinkles on the face

Both sugar and jaggery are used for sweetening. Now health conscious people are avoiding the use of sugar and insisting on using jaggery instead. This change is very good. Our elders used to use jaggery in Shira Chiki and in every other sweet. He used to be relatively healthy and hemoglobin deficiency was rarely seen in anyone

Type of gourd

Before believing that jaggery is very good, it is very important to know about jaggery available in the market and its types. There are two types of jaggery available in the market, pure looking less yellow jaggery and another dark chocolate-like jaggery. Known as desi jaggery, this jaggery is a bit late and salty while yellow jaggery is more sweet and hence non-organic.

Beneficial for stomach

Eating jaggery does not cause stomach ailments Those who suffer from gas or gas acidity must eat jaggery after waking up in the morning on an empty stomach to improve digestion and increase appetite

Menstrual pain

During periods just add jaggery to warm milk and then drinking milk will relieve the pain completely it is not necessary that you drink only during this period. If you want you can use this milk daily so that there is no weakness in your body

Cold cough

People who suffer from regular cold and cough should consume jaggery. The beneficial element present in the board is very effective in relieving cold and cough. If there is cold and cough, jaggery should be eaten with black pepper and ginger. removed

The skin will glow

Taking jaggery and milk together has a great effect on the skin, it makes the skin soft, clear and also eliminates the problem of blemishes.

Joint pain

Many people have joint pain and due to this yellow it is very difficult to stand and sit. If you are suffering from joint pain then you should use god milk and ginger daily just drink the board and mix ginger in it and then eat it.

brain active

Pure jaggery prepared from sugarcane is very beneficial if consumed daily in the morning without breakfast.

Lack of blood will be removed

Iron is abundant in gourd Jaggery removes hemoglobin deficiency Consuming jaggery increases the amount of red blood cells in the body and cures anemia

Relief of blood pressure

Jaggery is a panacea to use if someone has blood pressure problem. Consuming jaggery also controls blood pressure.

Increases bone strength

Calcium and phosphorus are found in abundance in the board so it is very effective in strengthening the bones


Consuming jaggery and milk is very beneficial for people suffering from asthma such people should only eat jaggery and black sesamum ladda and drink a glass of warm milk after eating it.

Important link.

ગોળ ખાવાના ફાયદા ગુજરાતીમાં અહિંથી વાંચો

Here are the benefits of eating jaggery and eating jaggery in winter provides protection against many diseases about which information is given here. You are reading this information through our official website WWW.EDUTARST.XYZ . It becomes a crime that everyone should take note of. Don’t forget to share further if you like our information

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