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Watch free online & Live darshan from famous temples of India.

Watch free online & Live darshan from famous temples of India.

 Near Barwala village of Botad district of Gujarat State, Salangpur Bhai Manji Dada temple is located, devotees come here in large numbers for darshan, and the devotees who come here get rid of all the hardships of their life just by seeing Dada. Planet pain or enemy pain is also destroyed.

The foundation of this temple is connected with Swaminarayan Sampraday, Mahant Sri Gopalananda Swami of Swaminarayan Sampraday laid the foundation of this temple, today it is believed that this temple was built about 170 years ago.

People come to Salangpur Hanumanji Dada temple with their sorrows, this temple is very famous for getting rid of ghosts, falling feet in muddy ground or to get rid of the negative effects of bad spirits. Yes, just by seeing Hanumanji, such negative effects in the body of a person are removed and his life is filled with happiness

Salangpur Hanumanji Dada’s darshan time is from 6 am to 2 pm and in the afternoon from 4 pm to 9 pm, the morning time for Dada worship is from 8 am to 9 am, in the afternoon from 1 pm to 3 pm here Maha Prasadi is given in which thousands of lakhs of people who have visited Dada are given free Maha Prasadi.

This temple of Salangpur is currently being managed by the BAPS organization, this temple of Hanumanji Dada is very famous and famous all over India, every devotee who comes here gets enough facilities, and if they have not visited this temple of Dada.

Take time and come here once if necessary, till then, every devotee is given a free facility to have live darshan of Dada at home regularly through this site, in which the link given below is the official website of Salangpur Trust which you can click on daily. You can watch Dada live at home.

Watch free online & Live darshan from famous temples of India.

Important  link

સાળંગપુર હનુમાનજી દાદા ના live દર્શન 


દ્વારકાધીશ મંદિર લાઈવ દર્શન 

દ્વારકાધીશ ના લાઈવ દર્શન કરો (વેબસાઈટ): અહીં ક્લિક કરો

દ્વારકાધીશ ના લાઈવ દર્શન કરો(you tube): અહીં ક્લિક કરો

સાળંંગપુર મંદિર ના લાઇવ દર્શન અહિંથી કરો

દ્રારકા મંદિર ના લાઇવ દર્શન અહિંથી કરો

સાળંંગપુર મંદિર ના લાઇવ દર્શન અહિંથી કર

અહીંથી કરો સોમનાથ લાઈવ દર્શન 

ડાકોર મંદિર લાઇવ દર્શન 

અંબાજી મંદિર લાઈવ દર્શન

શીરડી સાંઈબાબા મંદિર લાઈવ દર્શન

જલારામવીરપુર મંદિર લાઇવ દર્શન 

Here the information about live darshan of Hanumanji Dada at Salangpur was given to the viewers, if you like this information, save it and get the opportunity to see Hanumanji Dada live every day and don’t forget to share this information to more and more people, Jai Hanumanji Dada, 

Salangpur Hanuman Ji Dada fulfill all your wishes.

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