Entry of right in survivorship in land, inheritance before death of holder, entry of right in survivorship.
The Land Revenue Act of 1879, a law enacted during the British rule for land management, is still in force today and the core of the law is to collect land revenue and protect the rights of tenants.
Which in generally accepted terms entries in revenue record has a fiscal value and till the contrary is proved, the revenue records transactions are to be considered valid.
When in 1907 the title deeds for the tenant’s rights were added, known as No. 6 notes, the name of the landholder who was liable to pay revenue for the land to the Government was added.
In earlier times, after the death of the landowner, the name of any heir was not entered, that is, rights were not entered. The heirs used to cultivate the land and earn their living but as the value of the land increased by leaps and bounds, people became aware of the rightful share in the land and entered their inheritance, I remember one of my cute stories I would like to tell here,
I am also a farmer’s son, my grandfather got 71 bigha of land, he used to borrow a little bit of money from the more viable farmers of the neighboring village and gave a small piece of land. , out of these 71 types of land, he gave 11 types of land to his son in Kapada, that is to say that before the land had no value, now with the increase in the price of land from time to time, people became aware and registered themselves as heirs
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ગ્રામ્ય જમીનનો રેકર્ડ
➤7/12 ઉતારા : અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો
➤8-અ ઉતારા : અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો
શહેરી જમીનનો રેકર્ડ
➤7/12 ઉતારા : અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો
➤8-અ ઉતારા : અહીંયા ક્લિક કરો
Previously, people did not inherit the land, due to which many cases are coming up now that they have to sell the land and the buyer is also ready, but the land is left to be inherited from the last three or four generations. If we go to inherit his mangoes, we have to enter the names of the heirs of four generations and the list is enough to inhabit a small village, from this I remembered another case of my grandfather. There are 12 who are yet to be inherited and if we are ready to inherit, there is a list of 32 names who have the right to inherit this land. There is a stalled audi to sell the land, the thing is that if the brother is given half of the money from the entire land alone, he will sign the sale deed, otherwise he will not speak.So it is very important to grab the entry of inheritance at the right time.
Entitlement to Inheritance
It is necessary to make an entry in the heirs of all the heirs of the direct line on the death of the landlord, male and female, the application form for entry of rights is given here which you can download by clicking here when required and fill it and proceed further. You can enter your right.
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Click here for application form
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It is very important for every farmer friend to enter the right in inheritance on time for which the necessary information is given in this article, here the application form is placed which is very useful for every farmer brother so share this information more and more to every farmer as well. To get such useful information daily, press the whatsapp button given below and join our group, thank you
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