GSCL Recruitment 2023 Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited has recently released the recruitment notification of 269 Electrical Assistant Junior Engineer Account Officer Labor Welfare Officer Junior Assistant Lab Assistant etc which complete information is given in this article so read the article till the end and all your known friends. Please share this new recruitment information further.

GSECL Recruitment 2023.
Interested Candidates for All Job Vacancies All Candidates Who Are Eligible for AGCL Recruitment 2023 Educational Qualification Penalty Selection Process Important Dates For More Information Regarding All Other Eligibility Process Please Read Below Article Carefully Before Applying Also Read Official Advertisement In Detail is necessary.
Total space 259.
Accounts Officer : 06
Labor Welfare Officer : 03
Deputy Superintendence Account : 10
Instrument Mechanic : 40
Lab tester : 05
Electrical Assistant Junior Engineer Environment : 02
Electrical Assistant Junior Asstt : 40
Electrical Assistant Plant Attended Gr.1 Electrical : 85
VS Plan Attendant Gr.1 Mechanical : 68.
etc. recruitment is released here the eligibility of each one is different for which it is necessary to read in the notification.
EXPERIENCE Should have at least two years of relevant experience after obtaining the minimum qualifications.This period of articleship shall not count as experience..
Age limit.
31 years for A protected category and 36 years for reserved category.
Salary scale.
58,500 to 1,15,800 plus other allowances as per company rules.
Application fee Rs 250.
Last date to apply is 23 January 2023.
Important link.
Here all the necessary information for the Electrical Assistant recruitment is given here. It is a necessary advice for all the eligible candidates that they must read the above notification before applying online and then after reading all the information carefully submit their application online. It is very important for all students to read the official notification given above and consider all the details given in the final information notification..