GVK Emergency 108 has issued an advertisement for filling up various posts of new Para Medical Staff as follows in which interested and eligible candidates have to appear for face to face interview at Ahmedabad and this interview will be held on 25th January 2023 on face to face basis with complete The information is provided in the notification below.

Dhanvantari Rath has been started by Gujarat Government and in this Dhanvantari Rath recruitment of various staff is done on a regular basis, currently GVK Emergency 108 for Dhanvantari Rath Medical Officer BMSMS Paramedical Staff ANM GNM and Laboratory The recruitment has been released for the vacancies in various districts of Technician, this recruitment will not require any written test, only selection will be done on the basis of merit in walking interview and those who will be selected in it will have to do their own work for Dhanvantari Rath Seva in Emergency 108 and this The job is on a contractual salary of 11 months. The complete information regarding which is given in the job advertisement notification given here.
- Medical Officer BAMS BHMS
- Para Medical Staff A N M G N M
- Laboratory Technician
Interview venue
Date of interview
- 25 January 2023
Interview time
- From 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM