Amulya Granth of Ayurvedic 1534 pages which we are sending is absolutely free send it to our loved ones too
A few things are presented here to give a general introduction to our Indian Vedic. This information has been collected from different sources. A person will see more remedies, the same remedy cannot be applied to everyone, because the nature of each person is different, so one has to find a remedy that suits him, it will depend on the type of nature according to Pitta Kapha and from whose anger or deficiency the disease is caused. Whether it is Bile Kapha or a different combination of the three or any other reason, the remedies to be tried will depend on it, because there can be different reasons behind the same problem, for example, vomiting is caused by gas, bile is caused by bile, and Kapha is also caused by itself. Whatever is good for the body and what is bad, let us do any remedyIt should be known first that each person is unique, nature never repeats itself, so there can never be two people who create exactly the same nature, so one solution may work for someone, but not for another.
We try any remedy but if the digestive power is weak or there is a fundamental defect in the body, then the remedy will not be effective until it is removed, so it is very important to find out the cause of the problem in the body. It is necessary to keep watching. Many such experiments are probably innocent. However, the treatment should be done with the guidance of experts, because only a proper doctor can decide on the necessary treatment through questioning and other tests with the patient. The purpose of giving this here is only for information.
Note that only one E and one U have been used here, but readers are requested to forgive any errors in typing or any other fact.
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