CRPF Central Reserve Police has released the recruitment notification for SI Steno and Head Constable Ministerial for total 1458 new posts, all the necessary information related to this article is given by this article, then definitely read the article till the end..

CRPF New Recruitment 2022.
CRPF has released the recruitment for a total of 1315 various posts for the eligible candidates for which online application is invited online application will be done through the official website of CRPF in which both male and female candidates can apply..
Total Vacancies SI & Head Constable 1458.
In which a total of 143 posts of ASI have been released which category wise information is as follows.
General : 58.
EWS : 14.
OBC : 39.
SC : 21.
ST : 11.
Total : 143.
Total Head Constable Posts 1315 are out which category wise details are as follows.
General : 532.
EWS : 132.
OBC : 355.
SC : 197
ST : 99
Total is 1315
Application start date :- 4 .1 .2023
Last date to apply is :- 25 .January .2023
Age limit.
The age limit for CRPF recruitment is minimum 18 years and maximum 25 years i.e. those born between 26 January 1998 to 25 January 2005 can apply..
SC ST and OBC as well as X service men are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt..
Educational Qualification.
Class 12 pass.
How to Apply Online.
Eligible and interested eligible male female candidates have to apply online through official website which can be applied online from 4th April 2023..
Important link
Official website
All the readers are kindly requested to read the above official notification carefully before applying online and check the eligibility and all necessary details and apply online only after reading the official notification..