You can easily measure the area of your any land any plot in bigha gutha square meter or hectare through your mobile at home. All the necessary information related to this is given here. This information is very useful for the farmers to measure the land and also for all common people to measure their plots. Share more and more so this app is very useful for everyone..
✔️Usability of the application.
Map area calculator is very useful to measure any area and its line you can measure the area and line with most accuracy by touching the four points given on the map and selecting your area and then applying it will show the area measurement of that area To use this application you need to have internet on your mobile.

સૌથી પહેલા google મેપ એપ્લિકેશન ખોલો google map
જે સ્થળ જોવું હોય તેના પર મેપ માં ટચ કરો
ઉપર મેપ માં આપ્યું એ મુજબ તમારે જે સ્થળ જોવું હોય ત્યાં ટચ કરશો ( લાલ પિન) વાળું તે સ્થળ નીચે ખૂણામાં ફોટો દેખાય ત્યાં 360 ડિગ્રી સ્વરૂપે આવશે
તે ફોટો પર ટચ કરો એટલે મેપ લાઈવ જોતા હોય એવું લાગશે અને તમામ સ્થળ 360 ડિગ્રી જોઈ શકસો.
✔️Area Calculator Mobile App.
With the help of this application you can select your area any area any plot or open your land application four dots will appear on the map by touching it your area will be selected and by applying you will measure the area of any land or plot in square meter gutta bigha acre and hectare You can and it is becoming very easy for you to measure your area at home through mobile. Most of the people are using this application and they have got a rating of 4.1 on google play store, so not hundred percent correct but most of this application is accurate. By means you can read, measure and insure how many square feet your land or your plot has..
✔️How to download the application.
Downloading Land Miss Your Application Area Calculator mobile application is very easy this application is placed on google play store by typing in it this application will open in front of you can install it or by touching it a site is given here at the end of the article You will directly reach the google play store in the homepage of this application and from there you can install and use this application..
How to use the application.
First of all you have to download this application from Google play store or from the link given at the end of the article After installing the application in your mobile you have to open it After opening the application a map will appear in which you have to select your area and your land area or the area of your plot To measure you have to click four dots on the four corners of your plot or land and then by applying you can get the exact area of that area in square meters feet in hectares or in acres so using this app is very easy and with great accuracy this app will measure your area. Can show the area of areas.